Setup a foundation that supports the corporate goals of Advanced Analytic, Reporting and Customer Engagement

Western European Financial Institute
This Financial Institute was in the design phase of their transformation process in the areas of Analytics, Data Management, Customer Engagement and Digitalization for the Banking division. We were involved during 3 years in several phases.
How to setup a foundation that supports the corporate goals of Advanced Analytic, Reporting and Customer Engagement and Digitalization.

  • What should be the scope (group or country level) based on best practices?
  • Where to start?
  • How to organize Corporate Governance around it?
  • How to setup a business case?
  • What’s the impact on the organization?
  • How to get buy in on all levels (country and group)
  • How to minimize risks and maximize business benefits?

What we delivered
Starling Consultancy was asked;
In phase 1 to – present and advise senior management on country level WHY and HOW to build an Enterprise Data warehouse, that would supported their main business goals.

  • Why an enterprise-wide strategy is of crucial importance
  • The benefits of an enterprise data warehouse
  • How to define a data warehouse strategy
  • Who should be involved
  • How to align country initiatives with a group strategy
  • Why data governance is a critical success factor
  • How to design a data governance organization

In phase 2a to

    • advice on the scope and table of content of a Corporate Data Management Program including responsibility areas for the to be Chief Data Officer.

In phase 2b to

      • review the new organizational design that would support, speed up and improve the digital transformation and Customer Engagement.

In phase 3 to

        • build an implementation plan for a Group Data warehouse Program with a phased approach, while covering the end-2-end process
        • define dependencies across teams and activities
        • define Critical Success Factors
        • advise on the way of working and governance within the program, with stakeholders and C-level sponsors, between the program and related suppliers

A structured, manageable and end-2-end approach, that minimize risks and maximize business benefits.
